We love to use our silver in our tablescapes and daily lives. Using silver adds a level of sophistication and old school etiquette not often used today when hosting. The trick to silver is keeping it ready to use. We cherish the memories of polishing silver pieces with our grandmothers growing up and today we find it to be such a therapeutic practice to sit down and clean silver (especially if you have a cocktail and good company to help pass the time). We often get asked how we keep our silver polished, especially when we run out of silver and metal polish! Here are a few of our secrets that keep our silver ready to go - even in a pinch!

1. Tarnished - It really is okay to have tarnished pieces of silver in your tablescape! Decades ago this would have been a major faux pas… but today, it is widely accepted and even our best used trick! A slightly tarnished piece adds a bit of vintage flair while being just as glamorous as freshly polished silver.
2. Ketchup - Cover your silver piece in ketchup and let it sit for 10-15 mins. Rinse with water and buff with a dry rag.
3. Foil- Bring 4 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and 1 piece of aluminum foil to a boil. Using tongs dip your silver pieces in the boiled water for 10-30 seconds depending on the tarnish level. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
4. Vinegar - Mix 1/2 cups of white vinegar with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Using a rag, wipe solution of silver and leave for 1-3 hours. Rinse and dry.
5. Stovetop Cleaner - Use a small dollop of stovetop cleaner on a smooth rag and polish your silver piece. Once polished rinse and dry!
(We recommend using a small, soft toothbrush for ornate edges and grooves.)
Don't forget to tag us on Instagram at Shop.Wheat to show us what special pieces you're polishing for the holidays! Go to ShopWheat.com to discover beautiful silver pieces to add to your home collection.